Auto Distribution Record
When a record is generated in Sangam CRM from different sources such as inbound emails, Sangam CRM API integration, or marketplaces like Indiamart, JustDial, and TradeIndia, it may either be assigned to a single user or left unassigned. As a result, team leaders or admins have to manually assign these records to team members. To simplify this process, we have developed an AutoDistribution feature that can assist the admin or team leader in assigning records to team members. Auto Distribution feature can be enabled on Inbound Email, marketplace and Sangam CRM API integration.
Auto distribution of records can help to resolve several problems that businesses face in managing customer Enquiries and tickets including:
Manual Record Assignment: Assigning records manually can be time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. Auto distribution can automate this process and ensure that records are assigned quickly and accurately.
Delayed Response Time: If Enquiries or tickets are not assigned to the appropriate team or agent in a timely manner, it can result in delayed response times and frustration for customers. Auto distribution can ensure that Enquiries/tickets are assigned quickly, which can improve response times and customer satisfaction.
Inconsistency in Record Assignment: If Enquiries / Tickets are assigned based on the personal preferences of individual agents or teams, it can result in inconsistent assignments. Auto distribution can ensure that Enquiries / tickets are assigned based on a set of predefined rules and algorithms, which can result in consistent Enquiry / ticket assignment.
Overall, auto distribution of records can help to resolve several problems related to inquiry / ticket assignments and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service operations.
Introduction About Auto Distribution Feature
This feature enables the automatic assignment of leads or tickets (configurable to any module) to users based on predefined rules.
The rules consider certain conditions to assign records to team members as follows:
Firstly, it checks whether today is a holiday or not. If today is a holiday, all records will be assigned to the automation.
If today is not a holiday, the system checks whether the current time lies between the shift timings. If the current time does not lie between shift timings, all records will be assigned to the automation.
If the current time falls within shift timings, the system checks user availability based on the selected user list inside the rule. To check user availability, the system verifies whether the user is on leave for the day or not. If the user is on leave, the system excludes them from the user list, leaving only those who are available for assignment.
After obtaining the user list, the system checks whether the user has logged in to their account today. Only logged-in users are considered for record assignment, while those who haven't logged in today are excluded from the list.
Finally, the logged-in users are assigned records according to the method applied inside the rule.
The Records which were assign to the automation for that scheduler will run on every 15 minutes and process all the flows to get logged-in users
Follow Below Steps To Set Auto Distribution Rule
Step 1:- Enable Auto Distribution Module from Studio Panel
We can apply on any module so first we need to enable this feature for that module by following the below path.
Admin => Studio => Ticket => Click EnableFeatures =>Check Auto Distribution
Step 2:- Configure Business Hour
Configure Business Hours as per our organization's working time by following the path.
Admin => Locale Settings => Business Hour
Field Details:
Shift Name: A shift is a specific period of time during which people work. For example, a morning shift may be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and an evening shift may be from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. When setting up a schedule for employees, you can give each shift a name to make it easier to identify.
Status: This field tells you whether a shift is currently active or inactive. If a shift is active, that means it is in effect and employees are expected to work during that time. If a shift is inactive, it means that the shift configuration will not be applied, and employees will not be scheduled to work during that time.
Same Every Day: This option allows you to set the same working hours for all selected weekdays, such as Monday through Friday. For example, you could set the working hours for all weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If you do not check this option, you can set different working hours for each selected weekday. For example, you could set Monday's working hours from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and Tuesday's working hours from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Step 3: - Configure Rule
Configure the Rule for auto-distributes records by following the path.
Admin => Features => Auto Distribution
Field Details
Distribution Rule Name - Enter Rule Name
Select Module - By Following the Step 1 here we get module list and then we can select module here for which we have make rule
Status - If it is Active then only Business configuration works. For Inactive it doesn’t work
Apply Method - Select Method Round Robin / Least Busy
Round Robin - A round robin is an arrangement of choosing all elements in a group equally in some rational order, usually from the top to the bottom of a list and then starting again at the top of the list and so on.
Least Busy - The system looks for the teammate with the fewest assigned conversations and assigns the pending work.
Consider Holiday - If it is checked then only it will check today is holiday or not
Consider Leave Application - If it is checked then only it will check the selected user is on leave or not today
Consider Only Logged In User - If it is checked then only it will check today the selected user has available or not by considering UserActivity type Login
Business Hours - After following Step 2 we can get a Business hour list and then select.
Allocation Based On - Here we have 2 options mention below:
User Wise - We will get select user field inside this we have Regular User and Administrator User excluding Automation & System
Team Wise - We will get select team field inside this we have custom team
Step 4: - Set Rules in Features
1. Inbound Email
Inbound Email Used to make a ticket from the email, when the ticket will come that ticket is assigned to the team member which is specified in the team field.
In order to automate ticket distribution, a specific rule needs to be chosen within the Inbound Email system. This rule, identified as Rule 1 in the accompanying image, governs the creation of tickets from emails based on specific conditions, after which the ticket is assigned to the logged-in user. The distribution rule name field will display the available rules based on the selected option in the create record from the email field.
2. Marketplace
This feature is used to generate enquiries from various sources like Indiamart, Justdial, TradeIndia etc.
In order to automate enquiry distribution, a specific rule needs to be chosen within the Marketplace configuration. This rule, identified as Rule 1 in the accompanying image, governs the creation of enquiries from Marketplace based on specific conditions, after which the enquiries are assigned to the logged-in user. The distribution rule name field will display the available rules based on the selected option in the Module field.
3. Sangam CRM API
This feature is used to generate Ticket/ Enquiries from the Website.
In order to automate ticket/enquiry distribution, a specific rule needs to be chosen within the Sangam CRM APIconfiguration. This rule, identified as Rule 1, Rule for lead Distribution in the accompanying image, governs the creation of ticket/enquiries from Website based on specific conditions, after which the ticket/enquiries are assigned to the logged-in user. The distribution rule name field will display the available rules based on the selected option in the Select Module field.
Multiple rules can be set up because the website can generate both tickets and leads, hence the need for multiple rule selections based on the module.
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