Tally Integration
Purpose :
Tally Integration connects Tally Prime with Sangam CRM, creating a unified platform for managing business operations. This integration streamlines data entry, reduces workload, and minimizes errors for industries that use Tally for accounting and CRM systems for customer management
Integrating Tally with Sangam CRM allows businesses to create detailed reports and analysis, helping them make better decisions. It also improves debt collection by giving a clear view of customer interactions and financial status. Overall, Tally Integration boosts efficiency, accuracy, and productivity for industries using both systems.
It can support the multi companies integration with CRM
Product Objective :
When multiple companies are configured, three modules are introduced: Tally Ledger, Tally Item Masters, and My Firms/Branches.
Below are the detailed descriptions of the modules integrated with Tally:
Tally Ledgers: This module displays the ledger list of the configured company. Users can perform operations such as linking, syncing, and unlinking ledgers between Tally and the CRM, ensuring that financial data remains consistent across both platforms.
Tally Item Masters: This module shows the stock item list of the configured company. Users can link, sync, and unlink stock items between Tally and the CRM, which helps maintain accurate inventory records and streamline stock management processes.
My Firms/Branches: This module provides details of ledgers linked with accounts. Users can view these details from the account detail view in a sub-panel, making it easy to access and manage ledger information for different branches or firms within the CRM.
Product Requirements :
Tally must be hosted on Sugam Tally Cloud.
The Tally's public IP address or domain name, And the Tally ODBC port, are necessary.
The Tally ODBC port, which stands for Open Database Connectivity, please refer provided link for guidance.
Getting Started
1. Go to the Admin Panel for integration
2. Click on the Tally Connector
3. Configure Here Your Tally With Public IP and Tally ODBC Port.
4. Configure the Multi Companies
5. Confirm the selected company configured
6. It shows the tally connector panel, you can configure the companies, refresh the ledger and stock items, select users for email notification and also the quotation configuration that you want to create in the tally like sales order or voucher.
7. Click on the ledger configuration panel
8). It shows the Ledger Configuration Panel, You can manually link, unlink and sync and the default group is sundry debtors.
My Firm / Branch Subpanel
Access ledgers under the "Account" module's detail view.
View linked ledgers in the "My Firm / Branch Subpanel".
In the sub-panel, there is also a ledger-related action available. Click on the icon on the left side to open the action menu.
This menu has the following options:
Sync Ledger
Preview Ledger
Preview Bill By Bill
Email Ledger
Email Bill By Bill
Sync Ledger:
This option will sync the selected ledger from Tally, updating the ledger details in the CRM. You can also check when the last ledger was updated.
Preview Ledger:
This option will preview the complete ledger
Preview Bill By Bill:
This will preview bill-by-bill transactions of the ledgers
Email Ledger:
This option will open an email composer with an attached ledger of the selected account
Email Bill By Bill:
This will open an email composer with the attached bill-by-bill pdf of the ledger
You can also unlink the ledger from the subpanel by clicking on the unlink icon shown below
Sales Order Creation
1. In the quotation module, the option to create a sales order is provided on the detail view.
2. When you click "Create Sales Order" in Tally, a popup will appear allowing you to select the ledger with which you want to create a sales order.
3. When you click on the next shipping ledger if you have selected two different accounts for shipping and billing, it will ask you to select, but it is optional to choose the shipping account ledger.
After clicking on Create sales order it will verify and after verifying all the details system will create a sales order in tally
Note: While creating sales orders from CRM to Tally, the following points should be followed:
At least one Ledger should be linked with the account
The ledger name should be the same as the tally
The product master added in a Quotation should be linked with the stock item of the tally
The sales ledger and Tax should be the same as in the tally
Ledger Configuration Panel
There are related modules available in the studio on the admin side. You can enable it from there.
When you enable the module, you will see it in the menu bar, which can be accessed by regular users as well.
This will show the same “Tally Ledger Panel” as the admin with some restricted options
Item Configuration panel
The “Item Configuration Panel” will display all the Tally Stock Items in the CRM.
In Item configuration, you can see the same menu as ledgers
Refresh Items List
A "Refresh Item List" button will be on the top right corner. You can click it to refresh the list of newly created stock items.
All Items List
It will show all items available in Tally, including items linked in CRM, items that are not linked with any product master, and items that are recommended by the system.
In the All Items list, you will see the recommended as well as linked ledgers
In linked stock items, you will find options to “Sync” and “Unlink”
And on non-linked options, you will see the "Create & Link" buttons.
And where the system suggests a product master you will see a “Link” option
If you don’t want to link with the suggested product master by the CRM, you can remove it by clicking the “remove” icon, and you can select and link the desired product master.
Linked Items
This tab will show the list of products that are linked with any product master of the CRM
In linked items, you can sync or unlink stock items by clicking the “sync” button or “unlink” button along with the product
For “mass syncing of stock items”, select the checkbox and click the “sync” button provided at the top of the items list.
Recommended Product Masters
The recommended tab system will show stock items list whose names are exact matched in the product master
You have two ways to link items: either individually by clicking the link button next to each item, or collectively by selecting multiple items and using the mass link button at the top of the list.
New ledgers
In the "New Items", you can click on "Create & Link" to create a new product master in the CRM.
If you want to link with an existing product, you can select a product master and link it with the CRM product master.
For mass “create & Link”, there is an option at the top to create and link the selected products.
Product Master
Link Product master
In the Product Master module, you will find stock item-related information under the "Tally Stock Item Details" tab. Additionally, the system will indicate whether the product master is linked with Tally or not.
To link the product with Tally, click on the options icon, and there is an option to “Link Product” Clicking on that will open the list of products that are not linked.
As you can see in the above image this will show the list of stock items where you can also filter by the branch configured for tally
Sync Product master
To sync the product master with Tally, there is an option on the detail view form where you can sync or unlink the product master with the Tally stock item.
The last sync time will be available for the product master in the “Last Sync” field.
Item master module
There is also a “Tally Item Masters” module provided to perform stock items-related actions
This module provides the same functionality available on the admin side to normal users.
Refresh Data from Tally Admin
Refresh Ledgers
There is an option for refreshing the ledger in the admin side Tally configuration. This will “Refresh Ledgers” the list of ledgers for all configured companies at once.
Refresh Stock Items
"Refresh stock items" will update the list of all stock item data for the configured company from Tally.
Notify Users for Email Notifications
The "Notify Users" configuration is provided to send an email notification for the background sync scheduler status and reports of new and recommended ledgers in the CRM.
Tally Schedulers
There are four schedulers available in CRM for Tally
Notify non-linked tally ledger on mail
Ledgers Details Update - Tally
Closing Balance Update For Tally Branch
Auto Sync Ledgers and Stock Items From The Tally
Notify Non-linked Tally Ledger On Mail
This scheduler will send a report of "New Ledgers" and "Recommended Ledgers" to configured users daily.
Ledgers Details Update - Tally
This scheduler will update all the details of the ledger from Tally. It will run daily.
Closing Balance Update For Tally Branch
This scheduler exclusively updates the closing balances of ledgers linked to the account.
Auto Sync Ledgers and Stock Items From The Tally
This scheduler will refresh the list of ledgers and stock items from Tally
The following details will be updated in the CRM Tally Branch module when a new ledger is created from Tally.
Field Name
Ledger Name
Tally Group
Contact Name
Contact Mobile
Contact Email
State Name
Closing Balance
Credit Period
Vat Number
Vat Reg Date
IEC Code
Cst Number
Cst Reg Date
PAN Number
Excise Reg Number
Excise Reg Date
Excise Commission rate
Excise Division Name
Excise Range Number
Receivable Amount
Payable Amount
Linked status
Vat Dealer Type
Last Synced
Branch Name
- A new account will be created with the name of the ledger
The following detail will be set from tally when creating a product master from tally stock items
Unit Price
Part Number
Tally product name
Product Linked status
Tally Company Name
Tally Product ID
Create Ledger in Tally
To create a ledger in tally from CRM you need to follow the steps mentioned below
Create an account or navigate to the existing account you want to associate with the ledger.
On the right side, you'll find an option “Create ledger in Tally”, as shown in the image below.
By selecting this option, a form for ledger creation will be opened.
When you click "save," a ledger will be created in Tally.
Panel visibility
The visibility of the Tally ledgers and stock items panel depends on the roles assigned to each user.
Note: Both the panels will follow the access role only for visibility to normal users. Accept access role no other role will be applied to these two modules
Pre-requisites for creating sales order line-item wise
The product master should be linked with Tally.
Tax and sales ledger must be created in CRM.
The sales ledger should be selected and must exist in Tally.
Product tax should be set in the item master of Tally in the GST rate field.
CRM tax should match the tax in Tally.
Discounts, if applied to line items, should be in percentage.
The state of the ledger and the tax applied to the product master should be appropriate (e.g., for Gujarat state, the tax should be CGST and SGST).
CRM accounts must have addresses.
When tax is applied, the overall tax group should match the sales ledger.
Last updated